I Wait Patiently

Jenna Masters told me today that I need to blog more… She is right… So here it goes round 2.

Ohhhh the questions I get from people these days… well here they are all answered for you!

Where am I at in my life? 

I AM A SENIOR IN COLLEGE!!! Yes I am a senior! Super exciting besides the fact that I have held this status for the last 3 years but this will actually be my last year.  What on earth am I going to do with my life? This seems to be the question that everyone asks.  To be honest its not an easy one to answer. This is because I actually know. Ministry. God has called me to ministry. In what way? I have no idea! However I know that where He calls me to go I will go.

This has not been an easy thing for me to accept over the years, however I think I have known and many of you have known for a while that this is where God desires me to be.  So what is next with this? Prayer. Pray with me and pray for me! My desire is that God uses me in a way that is honoring and glorifying to Him! I will patiently wait for Him to tell me where He needs me! Pray though that I seek the doors that he opens and that I will walk with His boldness and His authority through them wherever they may lead me!

How has being an art major led me to this conclusion? 

Trust me I asked God this question so many times knowing that I was going to go into ministry!! He persisted that I stay an art major. So I did!! I think one of the biggest things that I have noticed is that I think differently! This thinking has allowed me to see and read the Bible in many different ways! It has allowed me to connect with different students on levels that I never thought I would.  I can have conversations with people and listen and see how they come to specific conclusions.  I look at topics and people, I think in a way that God does.  Like Paul says in Ephesians 2 We are Gods workmanship and we are beautiful! How awesome that He created us in his image. Our God is an artist! And unlike me He makes NO mistakes. How awesome it would be to have a canvas like that.

Is there a man in my life?

Oh how I love this question….. Believe it or not I get it most from my mother! It usually goes like this.

Toni: Did you meet anyone at school today?

Me: Yup… All girls though… (the ratio at BIOLA is aprox. 3 girls to 1 Boy) (the age difference between myself and a freshman is 6 years) (some possibilities are actually illegal) (I am too young to go to prison) (sorry mom)

Then It usually goes into keeping myself open to possibilities and to men that are younger than I am and yadda yadda yadda. So here is the real story.

I AM NOT IN A HURRY!!! In fact there were two things God laid on my heart to pray for in January and one of them was a husband.  I have never really prayed for my husband before. Not to say that I didn’t think about him or wonder if I have met him yet. But for the first time in my life I have prayed for Him! That God would be preparing his heart for mine and refining him into the man God desires him to be! I have prayed that God would be doing the same to me! That my heart is being prepared for my husband and that I am being refined into the woman God desires me to be.  I can’t begin to tell you how sometimes it is hard to go to weddings, see your friends and siblings get engaged, or to be the 3rd, 5th, or even 7th wheel on nights out. But I know that he can’t be any random person that fits the idea of a boyfriend or even a husband. He has to be the man God created for me, and I am willing to wait however long is necessary.  So for now I am living the single life waiting patiently as God prepares me for the day.. and trust me if I know my mother like I know I do, You will all know! (there will also be pictures) (more than one probably) (love you mom) (you make me smile) (thanks for wanting me to be happy)!

So what is next? 

I wait patiently.  I wait in prayer. I wait knowing that God has such a huge plan that I cannot wrap my mind around.  I wait knowing that He brings true Joy! I wait not because I have to but rather because I want to.  I wait for his timing knowing that it is the best. THIS IS HARD!! All of these things. But God is worth it. There is no one else I would rather wait with!


Know that I pray for you! (even though I may not know you) I am brought to tears when I think of how God has placed you in my life(even if it is just you reading my blog)! Thank you for pouring into me! If you feel the desire or if you think about it pray with and for me! Pray that I continue to seek Gods plan! Pray that I can continue to be patient. Pray that I will have the strength and courage to go where He leads.  Because the reality is that alone I am nothing and have no ability, but with Christ and IN CHRIST there are no limits.

Romans 15:13 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit”

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