
A Loved Story.

“In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” 1 John 4:10

“Do you know you are loved?” 

The first time this question stopped me in my tracks, I was sitting in the bleachers at Biola University, listening to a speaker at our chapel service passionately describe the reality of God’s love. And as she explained how if we truly believed and lived knowing that we were completely loved by Jesus it would drastically change everything about us, she repeated the question over and over. At first loudly, and ending in a whisper, “Do you know you are loved?”

The second time, I was sitting across from a high school student at a Christian summer camp, listening to her walk through her story—and her hurt and her pain. In a moment I’ll never forget, the question stopped me cold: “Do you know you are loved?”

And that’s the question I still ask myself and everyone I encounter; beautiful people made in the Image of God and pursued passionately by their Creator: “Do you know you are Loved?” 

Do you know and believe, in your core, in your heart of hearts, that you are totally, completely, and unconditionally loved by the One who created you? That the God who made the universe, whose understanding is unfathomable and unsearchable loves YOU? When you taste even a small amount of God’s true love for you, it changes everything. 

It changed everything for me. 

As you begin your Loved journey, my prayer for you is that you would truly see, know, and love the God who has always seen, known, and loved you. Jesus is love in its most unfiltered, undiluted, complete, and pure form. His love will never fail you or leave you wanting more. It is better than you could have hoped for and greater than you’ve ever dreamed. May you know and experience His love, every day. 

-Hannah Joy

Founder & CEO