To Make Us Alive

Jesus performed many miracles. Probably the coolest, is the one where He raised Lazarus from the dead. That however is not the amazing part of the story. The amazing and beautiful part is this. 

Jesus wept. 

See Lazarus had been dead for 4 days. The people around him knew that if Jesus had been there, that he would not have died.  They had faith that Jesus would heal him, but when Jesus arrived it was too late. When He meets Mary and sees her weeping and those surrounding her weeping with her, Jesus was deeply troubled and then He wept! Jesus Wept!


Jesus knew on His way to Lazarus’ house that He was going to heal him. He knew that Lazarus was going to stand up and walk out of the tomb! He knew—and yet He still wept. He mourned for death. He mourned because of the burdens on the hearts of those surrounding Him. 

See God doesn’t just let us walk in our pain! No He mourns with us! He walks with us! Why? BECAUSE HE LOVES US! Jesus came to make us complete. He came to heal us. He came so that we would not be burdened. He came to restore our broken pieces! 

He came to make us ALIVE. 

So when we look in the mirror and all we see are shattered pieces, and damaged half beating hearts. When we can’t even make eye contact with ourselves. When we think that we are not valuable and every part of us is breaking into pieces we think can’t be restored…

Jesus IS weeping.

He is weeping over you and for you!!! He is weeping because He created you! He crafted you in His hands and He called you beautiful. God called you beautiful.

Yet somehow this world has given us this idea that we are not good enough. That once the pieces of our brokenness are shattered there is no hope for restoration.


See Jesus doesn’t just want the pretty parts of you!!! NO…He wants all of you! Even the broken and burdened parts of you. So He sent His son Jesus to die on the cross. Why? So that when we accept Him, HE COVERS US. HE COMPLETES US. HE PUTS US BACK TOGETHER AGAIN. HE RESTORES US. AND BECAUSE OF THIS:


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