Loved By Love

There is a word that has been thrown around in our generation that seems to hold many meanings. I fear, in fact, that every meaning it holds is not the one it was designed to have. Some things are meant to be questioned. Some are meant to challenge the mind, and some are meant to adapt to a time, but there are some that are designed to stay the way they were intended because the very thing that is its definition has not changed. 

L O V E.

Love is rooted in creation. Creator, forming and molding creation out of desire and want. Simple overflow was this moment, when God spoke and life was breathed. There was no need to be satisfied or longing to be fulfilled but simple, beautiful, perfect…overflow.

L O V E is an overflow.

Love became a need the moment we thought we needed anything other than its simplicity. Out of our need we have created and manifested love into a category it was never designed to fit into. We have made it a prize to be won. We have chopped it up into pieces throwing it around as if what we can offer is something of any value. We hold love up as a prized possession that has a value not of this world, but we toss it around as if it was as common as a speck of dirt from the earth. 

We have confused L O V E.

We have made it into a physical and chemical reaction that happens when we encounter flesh, thus confirming that we have taken one four letter word and replaced it with another. L U S T.  It makes sense though, we long to be held, touched, seen, embraced by those that walk and live around us, but let me remind you of something. Lust was not a result of creation. It was not a result of love. Lust was a result of a fall and has become the very value we place on those we encounter. It drives us to pursue our happiness through man-made satisfaction, putting more value on our flesh than that of the one whom created it. 

We don’t love each other…we lust each other. 

We are attempting to satisfy one another’s needs for love in the physical when the reality is that love is not a physical manifestation that we can fulfill or satisfy. 

We have confused ourselves to be the creator when in fact we are and always have been the created. And we do not exist without the Creator.  That act, that moment of creation is love. But the beauty in it does not end when the creation destroys that moment with its own self-fulfilling idea that love can be satisfied by human flesh. 

It is true…L O V E needs to be completed in us.

LOVE needs to be redefined, repaired, and restored… to what it was intended to be…

BUT I fear that we only see what our flesh wants to see instead of seeing the reality of what has already happened in the flesh…

Love itself manifested into man. Perfect love became flesh. Perfect love became the very thing that was needed to be restored to perfect creation. Created out of love, restored through love, and loved by love. 

L O V E has been completed for us.

There is no need for us to complete it. There is no way for us to complete it.  In fact every attempt we have at completing it is lust itself. And if love is perfect because of itself, anything I could possibly add to it is meaningless. Anything I could add does not measure up and will leave me empty handed every time.  

L O V E  

Means that sometimes what we want isn’t what we need. Means that not everything is good even if in the pursuit of love. It means that L O V E itself is good enough and nothing can add to it and nothing can take away from it.  

L O V E means that there is a right and a wrong.

If there wasn’t, then love wouldn’t exist in fullness. Because what is full and what is perfect has no need to change. It has no need to adapt. It has no need at all. It just simply exists. We are not a generation that is going to redefine love because it doesn’t need to be redefined… It already is. 

If we are trying to redefine it and make it new, then what we are redefining is lust. I promise you that lust will always leave you wanting more. It will never satisfy you. It will always leave you thinking that you walked away perfect, only to find you in the pits of unsatisfaction and loneliness yet again. It will tell you that what is physical is what you need, but what you need can not be satisfied by what lust can create. 

You need what is created by love itself. You need the Creator. You need to be loved by L O V E.

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